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[ Enraton伊尔顿国际饭店 ]

Enraton International Hotel is located in the prosperous commercial area of Xining, the capital city of Qinghai province and next to the No.1 great Mosque in the north-west region. Enraton, combined catering, guest room, western food, tea art, shopping malls, with beauty salon and massage services, is a comprehensive hotel and the landmark of Chengdong district. Enraton International Hotel has construction area of 50,000 square meters. The whole building has unique ethnic charm.

西宁伊尔顿国际饭店店位于中国青海省省会西宁市繁华商业地段,与西北第一清真大寺相邻,集餐饮、客房、西餐、茶艺、商场、美容美发按摩为一体的综合性饭店,是城东区标志性建筑。 西宁伊尔顿国际饭店建筑面积为五万平方米,整体建筑独具民族风韵。

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