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[ CHEP集保物流 ] 视觉创意



CHEP is the largest crate sharing rental of pallets and logistics service provider in the global. It belongs to the Group of Bran Castle, headquartered in Orlando, United States. CHEP has a business network covering more than 500 service centers in 47 countries, serving more than 340,000 companies. The customers are in various industries like fast consumer goods, beverages, fruits and vegetables, meats, raw materials, household and the wholesale and retail industry, including Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, Kraft, Nestle, Unilever, Home Depot, HP, Wal-Mart, Carrefour, etc.

集保物流设备公司(CHEP)是全球最大的托盘和物流周转箱共用租赁服务提供方,所属于布兰堡集团,总部位于美国的奥兰多。业务网络覆盖全球 47个国家的500 多个服务中心, 服务于超过34万家的企业, 客户遍及快速消费品、饮料、水果及蔬菜、肉类、原料、家居及批发零售行业,包括可口可乐、宝洁、卡夫、雀巢、家得宝、联合利华、惠普、沃尔玛、家乐福等。集保以承载全球最重要的产品,每一天著称。

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